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Offer and support graduating Pima JTED students through work-based experiences.


Learn more about Pima JTED employer partners and find job openings that match to alumni skills and interests.

Your Pima JTED Community

Connecting Pima JTED alumni and graduating students to jobs, internships, and opportunities that align employer needs to the skills, abilities, and certifications of Pima JTED alumni.

Employment Opportunities


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Workers are hired for a specific project or time period. Generally do not receive benefits and are responsible for their own taxes.


Involves on-the-job training combined with classroom instruction, typically for skilled trades or professions.


Temporary positions for gaining practical experience in a specific field. Usually undertaken by students or recent graduates.


Employees work fewer hours than full-time, often with flexible schedules. May or may not be eligible for benefits, depending on the employer.


Individuals contribute their time and skills without monetary compensation. Common in nonprofit organizations and community service.


Employees work a standard number of hours per week, typically 40 hours. Entitled to benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans.

Pima JTED Success Stories

Overcoming in Style!

JTED was fully immersive into the world of veterinary medicine, and it made me realize this is what I truly want to do. It made me realize that I do love it, it wasn’t just a phase. It also showed me how hard it could be, there are hard cases, they are hard topics that we cover so, when I got to the point where I was applying for veterinary school I was coming into it with my eyes open.

Dr. Miriam Solinsky
2014, Veterinary Science

Some people might not think there’s a lot of opportunities that come out of it but it just proves right here there is an opportunity that will come. I probably wouldn’t have honestly got this opportunity if it wasn’t for JTED.

Desmond Bustamante
2018, Graphic Design

John's Hopkins Masters Student, Alena Pappas, Credits Pima JTED for Kickstarting Her Passion for Healthcare

Registration Instructions for Existing My Future AZ users:

My Future AZ Users: You can use your existing My Future AZ account credentials to login. To do this, please click the purple ‘Login with your existing My Future AZ account’ button. When prompted, enter your email address and password in the corresponding fields, then click ‘Login’. Your My Future AZ dashboard containing your profile will display, where you will then be able to update and refine your student profile to help match you to jobs based on your acquired experience from Pima JTED.

Registration Instructions for New Users:

New Users: Please enter your information in the corresponding fields, and your account will be created. Note: We ask for your age due to employer visibility on our platform. By default, users under 18 have their profiles set to ‘private’, which means employers cannot view their profiles nor contact them unless the student chooses to be seen by switching the ‘private’ toggle to ‘public’ on their profiles.

Program Partnerships

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